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写作教案英文版,论如何写作 英文版

来源:整理 时间:2022-04-11 06:30:05 编辑:教育知识 手机版

首先我们要通读这篇作文的题目要求,审清题意,就会发现这是篇科普说明文体裁的习作,写作中要求体现的要点有:家庭常备药、治蚊虫叮咬及晕车、注意事项。我们主要使用一般现在时选句。其次我们来列写作提纲,这个提纲很容易归纲出来:1、清凉油的性质。2、清凉油的主要用途。3、注意事项。 然后我们就可以起草了。让我们来分段造句吧,还记得我说的原则吗?对,避生就熟。

晕车和中暑对于初中毕业生都是陌生的表达,那我们可以绕着写。 第一段我们可以写两句: Cooling ointment is a kind of useful Chinese medicine. Most of the families often use it in summer. 第二段我们写三句: If you are unlucky to have mosquito bites and insects stings, just spread a little on the skin where it hurts. You can also use it when you have a headache caused by the hot weather.If you feel ill while you’re taking a long bus ride,it can also help a lot.第三段我们也写三句: It is not for eating. Be careful not to let it go into your eyes when using it. Make sure to keep it out of the reach of children. 现在我们可以在中间穿插一些过渡性的词语:(划线部分即为我穿插的过渡性词语。

) Dear Richard, I am here to give you some cooling ointment.Cooling ointment is a kind of useful Chinese medicine. Most of the families often use it in summer.l think it’s good for you.If you are unlucky to have mosquito bites and insects stings, just spread a little on the skin where it hurts. You can also use it when you have a headache caused by the hot weather.If you feel ill while you’re taking a long bus ride,it can also help a lot. Please remember:It is not for eating. Be careful not to let it go into your eyes when using it. Make sure to keep it out of the reach of children. Have a wonderful time in Anhui. Yours ,Zhang Xiaohua 我们再在草稿上去寻找单词拼写、动词时态、主谓是否一致等语法错误并作出针对性的修改,一篇有详略、有过渡、层次分明的作文就这样像造句练习一样写好了。

接下来你拿出最好的书法水平誊写就大功告成了! 实际上,我比较反对网络上流行的什么“万能三段法”,什么“万能模板”,这和我们老祖宗禁锢人思想的八股文又有什么区别呢?在你方法得当的情况下,英语永远需要你脚踏实地地去学习,唯勤学好问为正道,绝无投机取巧之法,如果你连基本的语汇、语法都不会,那么你连最简单的句子都很难造出,更别提写作了!--------------------------------- 本人已经从事中学一线英语教学20多年,擅长零基础教学和培优,有丰富的实战教学经验,如果你喜欢我的回答就随手关注一下或评论区留言吧,谢谢!。


